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Privacy policy

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We welcome you to our website and recommend you know these terms before you provide us with your personal data on it.
In STIU3000, the respect and protection of users’ personal data is a priority. As a user you should know that your rights are guaranteed on this website.
We want to share our principles regarding your privacy.

Who are we

Owner: STIU 3000, S.L.U., hereinafter STIU3000
NIF: B25755562
Address: Carrer de l’Orri, 27, 25700 de la Seu d’Urgell, Lleida
Phone +34 973 352 168
Hosting: 10DENCEHISPAHARD, S.L. (STIU3000 hosting provider within the EU) using as cdmon trade name with NIF no. B62844725 and address at C / Girona 81-83 local 6 de Malgrat de Mar 08380, e-mail


The copyrights of all documents, images and contents are the exclusive property of STIU3000, and are protected by the European Union and international copyright laws and treaties.

Any act of transmission, distribution, assignment, reproduction, marketing, storage, public communication or transformation, in whole or in part, of the contents and images of this website, requires the express written consent of STIU3000.

No photographs on this website are in the public domain and therefore cannot be downloaded. Violation of this copyright notice will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and infringers may be held legally liable for all resulting damages.

What personal data we collect and why


When visitors leave comments on the web, we collect the data shown on the contact form, as well as the visitor’s IP address and the browser user agent’s string to help detect spam.

An anonymous string created from email (also called a hash) can be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: Once the comment is approved, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of the comment.


If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images that include embedded geolocation data (EXIF GPS). Website visitors can download and extract any information from the images on the website.

Contact forms

Your contact form data will be collected through it and will be treated confidentially. They are only used to be able to manage the answers to the query.

General information

This Privacy Policy, together with the Rules of Participation and the legal notice, constitutes the legal framework governing the use of the website This Privacy Policy specifically regulates the use and treatment that STIU3000 gives to your personal data as a user of the website, as by accessing the website you have the status of user of this website (hereinafter, “the user”).

This website is owned by the company STIU3000, S.L.U., with registered office at Carrer de l’Orri, 27, 25700 de la Seu d’Urgell, Lleida and C.I.F .: B25755562.


It may change over time as a result of changes to the website, new legislation or case law or the emergence of new criteria from the Spanish Data Protection Agency or new European regulations forcing us to make future changes. Therefore, STIU3000 reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy and recommends that you read the Privacy Policy carefully whenever you access the Website

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La disfunción eréctil (DE) ha sido un problema frecuente para los hombres de todo el mundo. Es una afección que causa dificultad para lograr o mantener una erección durante la actividad sexual, lo que afecta significativamente el bienestar general y la confianza del hombre. Aunque la disfunción eréctil puede deberse a diversos factores, encontrar un tratamiento eficaz es crucial para recuperar la calidad de vida, la intimidad y la autoestima.Antes de emprender su viaje con Vidalista, es esencial que consulte con un profesional sanitario cualificado que pueda evaluar su historial médico y ayudarle a determinar si Vidalista es adecuado para usted. Esta consulta es un paso vital para garantizar su bienestar y seguridad, ya que su profesional sanitario podrá tratar cualquier enfermedad o medicación subyacente que pudiera interferir con el uso de Vidalista. comprar vidalista.

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STIU3000 undertakes to comply with its obligation of secrecy of personal data and the duty to keep them confidential and takes the necessary measures to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account at all times the state of technology.

Data security

STIU3000 guarantees the adoption of the appropriate measures to ensure the confidential treatment of this data. Therefore, it has implemented all the necessary technical and organizational security measures to ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of personal data provided by the user, in particular those stipulated in the RGDP (General Data Protection Regulation – EU 2016 / 679, of 27 April), which has extended the scope of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and its Implementing Regulations RD 1720/2007.


STIU3000 is not responsible for the Links to other third party Internet pages and its existence does not imply that STIU3000 approves or accepts its contents and services. These other websites are not controlled by STIU3000 or covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other web pages using the Links provided, the operators of these websites may collect your personal information. Make sure you comply with the Privacy Policies of these third party websites before providing any personal information.

Social Networks

We may use social media as a means of communication and promotion of our products and services. In no case do we use the data for unauthorized purposes. We are not responsible for the content, comments, opinions or information, our own or that of third parties, that users post on our accounts created on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. You may use our content for lawful purposes, provided you mention its source or author. Please note that the use of social media is subject to the privacy policies of each.

Protection of personal information

The personal data provided voluntarily will be treated confidentially, under the protection and specifications contained in current regulations, and will be collected in a file duly registered with the Data Protection Agency, which is responsible for STIU3000 SLU, and the purpose of which is the management of users and subscribers, as well as the online sale of products and the resolution of queries.

Personal data is not transferred to third parties (except for the legal obligation) and is kept for a period of six (6) years in accordance with current accounting regulations and, where applicable, for ten (10) years in accordance with money laundering prevention regulations.

The user may access personal data, as well as request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request the cancellation or deletion when the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. . You may also request the limitation, portability and opposition of the processing of your data, in certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation.

You may revoke your consent to the sending of commercial communications and exercise the rights referred to above, by sending an email to or by sending an ordinary mail to the person responsible for the file located in Carrer de l’Orri. , 27, 25700 de la Seu d’Urgell, Lleida, in both cases with the reference: “Data Protection”, through a letter signed for this purpose and enclosing a copy of your DNI.

Information on cookies

STIU3000 uses cookies in the navigation of the user through its websites to facilitate the personalization and the comfort of the navigation.

A cookie is a piece of information sent from a web page server to a browser that can be returned by the browser on subsequent accesses to that server. Cookies are associated with the anonymous user and their computer and do not in themselves provide the user’s name or surname.

This website uses Google cookies to display advertisements based on previous visits to the website or other websites that also display Google ads. Users can choose not to support tracking by advertising cookies by accessing:

Types of cookies

  • Registration Cookies: To identify the logged in user.
  • Advertising Cookies: In order to offer advertising content related to the interests of the user, either directly or through third parties called Adservers
  • Analytical Cookies: To obtain information related to the measurement of the audience.
  • Geo-location cookies: They provide information about the geographical location of the user.

The user has the possibility to configure his browser so that he is informed of the reception of ‘cookies’, with the possibility, if he wishes, to prevent them from being installed on his hard disk. However, the installation of ‘cookies’ is not mandatory to access STIU3000.

Depending on the type of browser used by the user, you can disable the use of cookies in:

  • Chrome: Settings> Advanced settings> Privacy and security> Content settings
  • Firefox: Options> Privacy and Security
  • Edge: Settings> Advanced Settings> Privacy and Services
  • Safari: Preferences> Privacy


We also inform you that we do not use this data to send commercial communications by e-mail not requested or not expressly authorized in advance by the interested party, as stipulated in the LSSICE.


In order to make any notification in relation to this contract, STIU3000 expressly designates as address what is contained in this text and the user expressly designates as address what appears in the application form. In order to carry out the contract, it is obliged to keep operational, active and up-to-date the e-mail address (e-mail) provided for communications with STIU3000, as it constitutes the preferred means of communication (although not the unique). In general, the user agrees and undertakes to keep their personal and contact details permanently updated; and must reliably communicate any changes. Failure to do so implies that notifications made at the address listed on the form will be considered valid.

Nullity and ineffectiveness of the clauses

If any clause of this Privacy Policy together with the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, it will only affect the said provision or part of it that is null or ineffective. , subsisting in all other general conditions and having such provision or the part thereof that is affected by non-laying, unless, if it were essential to these general conditions, it should affect them in its entirety.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities carried out on it, Spanish law applies in all cases, to which the parties expressly submit. The mere fact of using the services on this website presupposes the express acceptance of said acceptance by the Spanish jurisdiction.

Likewise, and with the exception of what is expressed in the following paragraph, the intervening parties agree that any litigation, discrepancy, question or claim resulting from the execution or interpretation of these conditions or related, or from other texts that may be on the website, will be resolved definitively by submission to the Courts and Tribunals with express waiver of any other jurisdiction or jurisdiction that may be competent.

The previous paragraph does not apply in the event that one of the parties is a consumer or user according to the definition of the regulations for the protection of Consumers and Users (Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws), in which case, (and for a conflict related and covered by the Law) the place designated in said legislation would be applied preferentially.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

STIU3000 reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or case law, as well as industry practices. In such cases, the Provider will announce on this page the changes introduced reasonably in advance of their implementation.